I am here.
listening to a yeah yeah yeah's playlist via Pandora which is turning out pretty sweet
wearing a shirt that hides bloated muffin top
drinking her second grande latte
clock watching
fall loving
working on some new things for le shoppe. update will be Monday, the 21st.
watched this last night
thought it was ok, had some funny parts that made me spit up my diet coke. bill hadar, in my opinion, was the best part, kirsten stewart not so much. Her ticks and constant hair play bother me. she always seems so nervous and awkward, it's uncomfortable to watch.
highly anticipated the season finale of TB this past Sunday.
(photo from true-blood.net)
I had to make the evening special by making a big pot of jambalaya for dinner. I was going to get a bottle of red but wasn't in the drinking mood.
did you all notice miss harris's cameo?
I have to admit I was slightly disappointed only because one, there wasn't enough Eric and two, there won't be any more TB until next year. boo.
happy humpday,
happy humpday, gorgeous!
Posted by: Beth Perry | September 16, 2009 at 10:50 AM
OMFG,my sister and me can't stand that about KS either, so annoying! dude, we have to hang irl! :) love your photos and fall is just around the corner here, can't wait! :)
Posted by: vee | September 16, 2009 at 11:06 AM
hey you....I've been meaning to get back to you about the blog design thing.
I'm just trying to figure out what I'm wanting and I would love for you to help
a girl out. A trade would work out perfect...I've got some new things coming out next week. let me know how this all works and we'll get things rollin.
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happy humpday, gorgeous!
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Posted by: T | September 16, 2009 at 11:25 AM
I concur...there so needed to be more Eric in the TB finale!!!!! Very disappointing indeed.
Posted by: Mindy | September 16, 2009 at 02:58 PM
OH, TB - man - the first 30 minutes was so great (though I called it) and the 2nd was just soo.....ok - such a typical cliffhanger that I wasn't crazy about it. I can't believe we have to wait until next summer.
Eric is such a hottie.
Posted by: charlane | September 16, 2009 at 03:12 PM
can't stand KS. i agree the hair fidgets and overall unease makes me nervous watching her, which is going to irritate me - i know - when new moon comes out...
i second your "boo" to no more new TB this year. total deprivation...
Posted by: nicole | September 17, 2009 at 03:29 PM
Yeah, I too am fighting the muffin top. Seems so much easier to sit at the scrap table than slave at the gym. Oh well. Keep us all posted on the baby quest. We scrappies love you Tina!
Posted by: Jillian McGriff | September 18, 2009 at 06:39 AM